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Why Do You Need Beauty Sleep?

Why Do You Need Beauty Sleep?

As a woman, there is a significant positive impact on your skin when you consistently sleep properly. Your body and skin cells recuperate and regenerate while you sleep. More importantly, sleep is a critical factor in ensuring that we look our best during the day as well as increase productivity at work.

Nevertheless, most women are deprived of adequate sleep because they want to get more done – kids have to be taken care of; the home has to be in order, and we need to keep up with our job responsibilities.

At Harley Institute we encourage every woman to have a good nighttime or beauty sleep because we understand that sleep deprivation is a form of stress which produces a hormone called cortisol that could leave you cranky and foggy.

Here are a few possible explanations of why you need your beauty sleep:

Inadequate sleep worsens your skin condition

Not having a good sleep can literary increase your skin sensitivity because the body perceives this as a form of stress and to guide your skin, it produces cortisol. The adverse effects of cortisol are that it reduces collagen, thereby making your skin show premature signs of aging like wrinkles and fine lines.

As the circle of inadequate sleep continues, it leads to increased inflammatory response and allergic contact dermatitis reactions, which reduces the skin's ability to repair itself.

As a lady, make sure you get enough sleep at night and also create leisure time so that your skin will not lose elasticity or look dull and sallow because of stress.

Lack of sleep makes you look unattractive

Without adequate sleep, there is going to be increased inflammatory cells which lead to moisture loss and a breakdown of collagen. The skin will look dehydrated, highly sensitive and will lose its glow and clarity.

Not enough sleep can work against your weight loss efforts

Skipping night rest can contribute to your weight gain because it stimulates your appetite and leaves you feeling drained. When you're in need to get satisfied, your craving for unhealthy foods like snacking and calorie consumption will increase.

It accelerates the aging process

Your skin is designed to recover moisture as well as repair and renew damaged cells. If you’re not getting enough sleep, those damaged cells will not be repaired, and this could result in under eye circles, puffy bags and more signs of aging.

Tips for getting a good night rest

Do everything within your power to have a good night rest because the good news is that you can recover from sleep deprivation when you work towards that.

Additionally, you need an effective skincare regimen to keep your skin radiant and healthy. For other tips and ways to keep a glowing complexion and look younger, you can contact skin care experts at Harley Institute.