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Which Skin Rejuvenation Technique is Right for You?

Which Skin Rejuvenation Technique is Right for You? 

Are you looking for ways to restore your skin’s youthful glow, but you’re not comfortable with the idea of cosmetic surgery? Get the results you want without the stress and anxiety thanks to the advanced skin rejuvenation techniques available at the Harley Institute in Atlanta, Georgia. Our innovative treatments and therapies can help provide the beautiful, smooth complexion you’ve been wanting, without the risks or inconveniences of conventional surgery. Not sure which treatment is best for you? Here are some of the most popular therapies offered at the Harley Institute. 


Ultherapy uses ultrasound technology to target areas deep into the skin where the collagen scaffolding has begun to weaken. This non-surgical procedure helps to lift and tighten skin while stimulating the body’s natural collagen production. Ultherapy in Atlanta can be used on sensitive areas, such as the face, forehead, neck and chest, providing results similar to a facelift, without the problems associated with surgical methods. 

Laser Genesis

Laser Genesis the skin therapy utilizes laser technologies to reduce or remove blemishes and signs of damage. If you’re suffering from large pores, uneven skin tone or texture, fine lines, wrinkles, excessive redness, acne scarring or a dull complexion, then this is the treatment for you. 

PRP Treatments

Blood plasma has highly concentrated amounts of growth factors, including active proteins which stimulate stem cell activity. These proteins also promote and support the production of elastin, collagen and other skin conditioning elements. Platelet Rich Plasma, or PRP, treatments use your own blood platelets to encourage the creation of collagen, plump tissue volume and stimulate the growth of fresh capillaries beneath the skin. This form of cosmetic therapy can help reduce the appearance of brow dropping, crow’s feet, lip lines, flat cheeks, frown lines, folds and lines near the mouth and nose and can also rejuvenate sallow, dry skin. 


Microdermabrasion is a non-surgical technique which gently, yet deeply exfoliates the top layers of skin to reveal the fresh, youthful skin cells below. The polishing effect created by the crystal-free Microdermabrasion treatments at the Harley Institute can help remove age spots, reduce the appearance of Melisma, soften wrinkles and fine lines, correct uneven textures and skin tones and brighten dull complexions. 

Chemical Peels

Chemical Peels provide another exciting way to replenish healthy skin cells. Dr. Harley’s Peel includes alpha hydroxy and other peeling agents to gently and effectively reduce the signs of aging. Afterwards, you should experience tighter skin, as well as a brighter, more youthful complexion. 

Looking for Skin Rejuvenation Treatments in Atlanta, GA? Visit the Harley Institute

Are you ready to get your gorgeous glow back? Then call or visit the Harley Institute in Atlanta, Georgia today. Our team of knowledgeable, highly trained experts are ready to help restore your skin’s health and appearance with the help of our innovative and effective technologies. Contact our office today to find out which non-surgical treatments are best for your unique needs. Our friendly customer care team will happily answer any questions you may have and can also schedule a convenient appointment for your first consultation.