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What is Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy?

What is Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy?

It is no secret that the human body is capable of healing itself. The body’s healing process greatly utilizes blood and its components. Blood is mainly a liquid called plasma and also contains small solids parts: red cells, white cells, and platelets. These platelets hold hundreds of proteins which are vital for the healing of injuries. As a result, a lot of exciting research is being done in this area. Doctors have started to harness the power of these proteins and amplify the natural growth factors in the body to heal injuries. Platelet rich plasma therapy has become more and more popular because the plasma is created from the patient’s own blood and is therefore considered a relatively low-risk treatment.

What Is Platelet-Rich Plasma?

As mentioned earlier, plasma is the liquid portion of blood and platelets hold proteins that play a crucial role in the body’s healing process. Researchers have found a process to concentrate the platelets from your blood by running the blood through a centrifuge. The blood is centrifuged at varying speeds until it separates into three layers: red blood cells, platelet poor plasma, and platelet rich plasma. The platelet rich plasma is then injected directly into your injured area with ultrasound guidance to assist in precise placement.

Is Platelet-Rich Plasma Effective?

There have been several basic studies in animal models that suggest platelet rich plasma treatment improves healing in bones and soft tissue. Though clinical studies in humans have been promising, they are limited in their study design and sample size. Still, these favorable findings have led to a widespread use of the treatment.

Platelet rich plasma has become more common for treating shoulder pain caused by rotator cuff tears, Achilles tendon ruptures, and other soft-tissue injuries as it has been found to meaningfully boost the healing process. A number of reports have been published showing the favorable results of platelet rich plasma on wound healing after bone augmentation. In fact, some athletes have credited platelet rich plasma treatment with their ability to return more quickly to competing. 

Concerns Regarding Platelet-Rich Plasma Treatment

Because platelet rich plasma enhances the inflammatory response, anti-inflammatory medication should be stopped at the time of treatment. Further, platelet rich plasma contains growth factors. Some agencies, like the World Anti-Doping Agency and the United States Anti-Doping Agency, thus consider platelet rich plasma to be a performance enhancing substance. In theory, platelet rich plasma has many benefits such as supply of growth factors and improved wound healing, but many studies that claim a beneficial effect lack controls, have a limited sample size, and have poor study design.

Where to Receive Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment

If you are in the Atlanta area and you are interested in giving platelet rich plasma treatment a try to improve ligament or muscle healing, give Harley Institute a call today. Harley Institute takes pride in its focus on preventative and wellness health. Dr. Harley is a Board Certified physician and one of Atlanta’s top doctors dedicated to treating the “Whole Person.”