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What Is Lipedema?

What Is Lipedema?

Lipedema is a condition whereby fat is distributed irregularly beneath the skin. In most cases, the fat is distributed within the legs, hips and the buttocks. Lipedema is an unhealthy situation that can lead to difficulty in mobility. Initially, Lipedema may be unsightly for cosmetic reasons but may eventually become painful. Lipedema may not constitute any serious health risks but those who have the problem may see it as a nuisance. Fortunately, there are several options for dealing with Lipedema and one of such is the use of Harley Institute products.

The cause of Lipedema is still unknown but doctors believed that certain female hormones play a critical part in its development. Lipedema affects mostly women and it is a problem that occurs during puberty. Lipedema does not start in the ankles but in the upper area of the legs and it affects both legs. 

What are the symptoms of Lipedema 

Most people often have mistaken Lipedema with obesity, but in actual sense, not everyone who has Lipedema is obese. The main symptom of Lipedema is the appearance of a larger lower half of the body alongside a column-like appearance of the legs. The area of the body suffering from Lipedema is usually more tender and can easily become bruised or scared.

When Lipedema is not handled or treated, the condition may progress steadily with the build-up of more fat that will make the lower body grow even heavier. There may be a transfer of fat to upper areas of the body and most especially the arms. As the fat distribution continues without any treatment, the lymphatic system of the individual may become blocked with fat, which means the balancing of fluids in the body will become affected (The lymphatic system helps balance the volume and distribution of fluids in the body).  Aside from balancing the fluid in the body, the lymphatic system also helps in reducing the risks of certain infection. With the partial blockage of the lymphatic system, the draining of the lymph fluid will also be affected, which can lead to the buildup of lymphedema fluid. 

Reasons, why Harley Institute services will help you, get rid of Lipedema 

Lipedema is not a condition that can be treated with exercising and dieting, because Lipedema is not a condition associated with weight gain or obesity. The main benefit of the Harley Institute treatment is to perform a decongestion therapy on the area being affected by Lipedema- this itself will help alleviate the pain associated with Lipedema. Harley Institute procedures also involve procedures such as Ultherapy, Lipo-contour, and skin tightening procedures that will not only remove and stop Lipedema but will also improve the appearance of your skin, making it tighter, more radiant and firmer. 

You will need a professional who understands various Harley Institute procedures to recommend the most suitable procedure for your needs. Harley Institute services have been trusted for decades for providing clinical solutions to Lipedema and other skin and aging-related issue.