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Vein Therapy in Dunwoody

Vein Therapy in Dunwoody

Those suffering from varicose veins can call the Harley Institute to schedule a vein treatment in Dunwoody today. Varicose veins are twisted, bulgy, and enlarged veins that can cause physical discomfort in addition to the cosmetic disturbance. They are generally found in the legs and feet and affect almost a quarter of Americans. There is a solution though! Vein therapy at the Harley Institute can have your varicose veins disappear. Call the Harley Institute to consult with a healthcare professional and schedule your flexible appointment today.

Risk Factors, Causes, and Symptoms

Your heart pumps blood that travels throughout your body through veins and arteries. Gravity helps blood flow downward, but blood returning to the heart from your legs must work against gravity. Tiny valves in your veins help by opening up when blood flows toward your heart and closes to stop blood from flowing back down. Damaged or weakened valves, however, allow blood to flow backward and cause veins to stretch, bloat, and twist.

Women are more likely to develop this condition perhaps because female hormones tend to relax vein walls and because pregnancy increases the volume of blood in the body. Obesity as well as age are also factors that increase the risk of varicose veins. Of course, genetics plays a large part and so does exercise – or lack of.

The symptoms of varicose veins are usually cosmetic: dark purple or blue veins that appear twisted, bulging, and crowded around the legs and feet. Some people also experience feelings of aching, burning, throbbing, muscle cramping, and soreness around the area. Our vein therapy in Dunwoody can address all of these symptoms.

When to Get Vein Therapy

The Harley Institute offers vein treatment throughout the year, but we do believe the wintertime is the most wonderful time of the year to get vein treatment in Dunwoody and here is why.

It saves you from discomfort. The pain that you might experience due to varicose veins tends to be more common during the winter months. This is due to the decrease in physical activity; people typically move around much less during the winter and this does not allow great blood flow. Skip the discomfort and get vein therapy during that time instead.

Another reason to get vein treatment during the winter is because you are probably going to wear long clothes and layers during this time anyway. We recommend patients cover up the treated area during the first few weeks after treatment to protect the skin from sunlight which can cause discoloration. Covering up is much easier during the winter than during summer!

Finally, getting vein therapy in Dunwoody during the winter gives your body the time to heal before the beautiful weather of spring and summer. Prepare your summer body with a vein treatment by the experts at the Harley Institute!

Looking for Vein Treatment Nearby?

If you have been looking around for “vein treatment near me” and you live in or near Dunwoody, then stop by the Harley Institute or give us a call to get started on scheduling your flexible appointment. Our professionals are more than happy to consult and answer any questions or concerns.

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