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The Link Between Aging and Depression

The Link Between Aging and Depression

Menopause and all its negative symptoms are something that women have endured for many years. People have always expected that when they approach their 50’s, they will need to be ready for the dreaded night sweats, hot flashes and mood swings that accompany “the change”. However, it is now well understood that women can begin struggling with premenopausal symptoms as soon as their early 30’s. In addition, hormonal fluctuations can occur throughout a woman’s life, no matter what her age is, including during and after pregnancy. Depression is something that many mothers, wife’s, daughters and sisters must deal with as they attempt to balance their many responsibilities. Thankfully, there is help available. Thanks to advancements in science, psychology, medicine and the anti-aging industry, there are now methods available to ease and sometimes even reverse the debilitating effects of hormone imbalance. At the Harley Institute Institute, we strive to help our Atlanta area customers look and feel their best at all stages of life. If you’re interested in hormone replacement therapy in Atlanta or are curious about how menopause can lead to depression, call or visit the Harley Institute Institute in Atlanta, Georgia.  

Hormone Imbalance and its Effects on Women

Progesterone, Testosterone and Estrogen are all vital hormones that regulate important functions in both men and women. Fertility, cardiovascular health, metabolism, sex drive, mental clarity and mood are all dependent on having the right balance between these three hormones. When they aren’t available at appropriate levels, people can quickly begin to spiral out of control, and it can seriously effect vital functions needed to remain healthy, happy, vibrant and youthful. 

Depression, Anxiety and Other Common Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance

Because the mood and anxiety levels are highly dependent on hormone balance, depression is often one of the first symptoms to arise in women going through the aging process. Low levels of serotonine and epinephrine combined with elevated amounts of cortisol can start to wreak havoc on your ability to enjoy life. Women suffering from hormone imbalance may also experience unexplained weight gain, suddenly develop gray hair and wrinkles, lose their sex drive, have difficulty with sleep, and struggle with extreme exhaustion and fatigue. All of these can quickly exacerbate depression and anxiety leading to downward spiral that is difficult to escape from. 

What Can You Do About Your Age-Related Depression? 

If you’re suffering from depression, it’s important that you get the help you need. In the past, people had few options but today’s modern world has gifted today’s aging populations with innovative and effective ways to regulate and balance hormones. Psychiatrists, psychologists and counselors can help ease depression symptoms with medication and therapy sessions. In addition to this, facilities like the Harley Institute Institute can provide bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, so that your body has what it needs to find equilibrium again naturally. 

Need Hormone Replacement Therapy in Atlanta? Visit the Harley Institute Institute 

Are you concerned that your depression and anxiety may be caused in part by hormone imbalance? Get the help you need right away by calling or visiting the Harley Institute Institute in Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. Harley and her team of anti-aging experts will help develop a customized plan to get you feeling your best again in no time. Call our office today for more information or to schedule your first consultation.