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Should You Pop a Pimple?

Should You Pop a Pimple?

Suffering from adult acne can be incredibly frustrating. Most people associate pimples with teenagers, and it can be embarrassing to walk into the office or go on a first date with a glaring red spot on your forehead or cheek. It can be tempting to get rid of the pimple problem quickly by popping it, and covering it with makeup. Unfortunately, this is not the best way to approach the situation, and it can in fact have the opposite effect. At the Harley Institute Institute in Atlanta, Georgia, we help our local clients look and feel their best. Our innovative skin care and anti-aging treatments provide instant results without the need for invasive cosmetic surgery. We’ve helped many men and women reduce and even eliminate adult acne and other blemishes, and we want to help you do the same. 

What Causes Acne?

Your skin contains trillions of microscopic sebaceous glands that regularly excrete oil and sebum. This natural bodily process has many benefits, and helps to keep skin soft, lubricated and free from water damage. When the body is in a state of equilibrium, the role of these glands is positive and healthy. There are many instances where this delicate balance can be disrupted. Lifestyle choices such as diet, choice of cosmetics and hygiene practices can negatively affect this balance. However, there are other hormonal factors that can also increase the production of sebum, and cause blemishes in those who take excellent care of their skin. Teenagers often experience severe acne because of the hormonal shifts taking place in their body. Mature adults also frequently have these hormonal transformations taking place. Pregnancy, birth control, menopause, prescription medications, stress and certain illnesses can take a toll on your endocrine system, and create adult acne problems as a result. 

Can Popping Your Pimples Can Make Things Worse?

Popping your pimples can create more harm than good. It’s important to understand that the acne is your body’s natural way to prevent the problem. If you have bacteria clogging your pores, then your pimple is the way your skin is trying to heal itself. Popping can halt this process and cause the bacteria to spread or bore deeper into your skin, even to the point of causing an infection. Popping pimples can also tear the skin, eventually leaving acne scars that are difficult to get remove without proper cosmetic treatments. 

Healthy Alternatives for Adult Acne Treatments

A better alternative is to visit the Harley Institute Institute in Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. Harley and her dedicated skin care specialists have extensive experience working with adult acne problems. Our team can utilize a variety of non-surgical methods to reduce or remove your blemishes including microdermabrasion, chemical peels, laser treatment and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. These treatment options provide immediate results without damaging your delicate skin. 

Want Professional Skin Care in Atlanta, Georgia? Visit the Harley Institute Institute 

Are you interested in adult acne treatments in Atlanta, GA? If so, call or visit the Harley Institute Institute today. We will work one on one to create a customized solution to all your skin care problems. Contact our office today to find out more or to schedule your first consultation.