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Progesterone and Aging

Progesterone and Aging

Many women become frustrated when the signs of aging begin to show. Crow’s feet, a sagging jaw line or dull skin can make even the most beautiful women feel self-conscious. While changes in appearance can be alarming, the aging process becomes much more terrifying and difficult when it begins to physically effect your health, energy levels and love life. Aging, illness, pregnancy and a variety of environmental and lifestyle factors can cause hormonal imbalances in women. In the past, people were forced to succumb to the negative effects of low progesterone or excess estrogen. Thankfully, today’s leading science, medical and anti-aging specialists have worked hard to find solutions to this common problem. At the Harley Institute Institute, we help men and women in the Atlanta, Georgia area turn back the clock and reverse the symptoms of aging. We know how hormone imbalance can wreak havoc on the lives of people of all ages, and we want to help you regain and maintain your youthful vigor for many years to come. 

What is Progesterone? 

Progesterone is a steroid hormone produced by the corpus luteum, a female endocrine gland that effects many vital functions in a woman’s body. It helps the body prepare for pregnancy, thickens the lining of the uterus, regulates the menstrual cycle and encourages milk production for pregnant and nursing mothers.  In addition, progesterone is converted to help create other important hormones like cortisol, aldosterone and estrogen. When progesterone dips, it can create a domino effect that quickly throws your entire endocrine system out of order. 

What Role Does It Play in the Aging Process?

As women age and reach the menopausal stage, progesterone can significantly decrease. If it occurs rapidly, it can create major disruptions in normal hormone regulation and creates many side effects that people associate with aging, including:

If you have been experiencing one or more of these symptoms, hormone imbalance may be to blame. Visit the Harley Institute Institute for an assessment. If you’re a good candidate for hormone replacement therapy or bioidentical progesterone cream, Dr. Harley and her team of experienced professionals will help you get your health and wellness under control again. 

The Benefits of Bioidentical Progesterone Cream 

Conventional hormone regulation often employs the use of synthetic estrogen and progesterone. Unfortunately, laboratory created hormones are often rejected by the body and can create negative side effects. Thankfully, advancements in science have made it possible to create bio-identical progesterone cream, which has the exact same structure as the hormones that already exist in your body. Therefore, bioidentical progesterone cream provides all the benefits of traditional hormone replacement therapies, but is more safe and effective. Continued bioidentical hormone therapy can help to rebalance your body and encourage better health, vibrant energy and a more youthful appearance. 

Searching for Hormone Replacement Therapy in Atlanta, GA? Visit the Harley Institute Institute

Have you been looking for a solution to your hormone imbalance? There’s no reason to continue suffering. Visit the Harley Institute Institute in Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. Harley and her team of anti-aging specialists are ready to help you turn back time and feel your best again. Call our office today for more information about bioidentical hormone therapy and other innovative, non-surgical anti-aging treatments. We can also help you schedule a convenient time to begin your journey towards better health.