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Morning Skin Care Tips

Morning Skin Care Tips

Skin care does not have to be complicated or expensive. It is very important to visit the spa regularly, but daily routines are just as important. For a great start to your day, start with a morning skin care routine that freshens you up and makes your skin look great. The Harley Institute recommends that everyone meet with a professional to create a custom skin care routine, but we have put together a general article here to get you started. Without further delay, here are some tips for your morning skin care.

Start with the cleanser

Start by splashing your face with warm water in the morning to remove the built-up dirt, oil, and leftover makeup from overnight. For a more thorough cleansing, try a cleansing oil as it also softens your skin.

Clear up with some toner

Toners can serve multiple purposes from shrinking pores to acting as a delivery system for antioxidants, vitamin B derivatives, and more. They also balance the pH level of your skin. However, because each type of toner targets a different type of skin issue, it is important to find a type of toner that is compatible with your skin. Once you have found your toner, evenly dab it over your face and allow it to be absorbed into your skin.

Apply antioxidant serum

Serums are extremely concentrated and nutrient-dense solutions that address specific skin concerns. Various serums are available at local markets, but we recommend an antioxidant serum that will blunt the skin’s response to inflammation from UV rays and environmental pollutants. Apply some serum on your skin and let it absorb into your skin for 2-3 minutes.

Keep your eyelid skin protected

The skin under your eyes and your eyelids are the most sensitive parts of your face. Maintaining the health and thickness of this skin is crucial to avoid fine lines or collagen loss later on. Regular use of eye creams can keep your eyelid and skin elastic. We recommend that you apply an eye cream at least once a day.

Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize

This one is especially important for those of us with dry skin, but important even if you have oily skin. Moisturizer will lock in hydration so the best time to apply a moisturize is while the skin is damp. If you are using spot treatment, for acne for instance, then you may want to skip those areas while moisturizing to make sure the active ingredients in your spot treatment are not affected.

Top it off with some sunscreen

Some chemical sunscreens have to be absorbed into the skin in order to be effective, so applying moisturizer and other products before or afterward may hinder that. To get around this, we recommend using a physical sunscreen with zinc. Zinc provides broad protection against UV rays. If you prefer to use a chemical sunscreen, try to find a formula that provides moisturizing benefits so you can get your hydration needs as well as protection from the sun’s UV rays.