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How to Get Rid of Laugh Lines

How to Get Rid of Laugh Lines

Laugh lines or smile lines are types of wrinkles that are clearly defined by the repetition of facial movement including smiling, laughing and frowning. Although the lines increase around your cheeks when you smile, you should be proud of a life full of joy and laughter.

However, laugh lines are not pronounced in the faces of younger people because their skin recovers so fast when it is exposed to adverse conditions. As we get older, our skin loses collagen and hyaluronic acid. The elasticity starts to depreciate thereby making the laugh lines to be more visible. Other causes of laugh lines include:

Then the question becomes - are you supposed to stop laughing or smiling just to minimize the development of smile lines? The answer is no! 

Laughing is natural and can give you much-needed comfort when you’re sad and during exciting moments of your life.

However, you need to follow these tips to prevent or manage laugh lines.

Live a good lifestyle

Sometimes, smile lines develop because of the lifestyle we adopt. Your skin gets weaker when you’re a chain smoker, and you’re continuously exposed to the sun.

Stop smoking and minimize alcoholic intake. If your job exposes you to the sun, you need to wear sunscreen daily, it will go a long way to prevent the wrinkles that develop because of sun damage.

Exercise frequently

There are many benefits derivable from exercise, and it includes anti-aging. Myokines increases when you exercise, and it is a catalyst in cell activity. This helps to strengthen the skin to help eradicate wrinkles and prevent sagging.

Your cortisol level is also kept low when you frequently exercise your body help your system not to break down collagen.

Use antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids

It’s a fact that diet plays a big role in the way your skin looks and eating foods that are rich in antioxidants will help your skin produce more collagen. Increase your intake of chocolates, berries, and Omega-3 fatty acids.

Available treatments to eradicate laugh lines

There are various options for the treatment of laugh lines which ranges from cosmetic procedures to Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs and surgical options. You can call skin specialist at Harley Institute to discuss the available treatment options.

The injectable cosmetics fillers

Using fillers are becoming increasingly popular for regaining plump and youthful skin. It is used by professionals to fill the soft tissue under the skin of their patients to help in facial wrinkles and for the restoration of the smoothness of the skin. 

If you call in for injectable fillers, our specialist will diagnose your skin to know whether you need temporary fillers or to use the products that will give more permanent results.

The use of Botox injections

Botox is the most popular non-surgical cosmetics treatment that could be used to improve and relax laugh lines. When it is injected, it reduces the contraction of the facial muscles to aid the disappearance of the wrinkles.

To know whether you are a candidate for the botox injections, you can go ahead and contact our specialists.

Surgical option

Depending on the severity of the laugh lines, going for the surgical can be the permanent solution. It can be used to improve the lines around your mouth and eyes.

All hope is not lost if you think that the smile lines on your face are deep or that you’re looking older than your real age. Call us today schedule skin care therapy, and you will sure look more beautiful and younger.