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How to Find the Difference between Sensitive Versus Sensitized Skin

How to Find the Difference between Sensitive Versus Sensitized Skin

Are you still confused about your actual skin type or do you belong to the group of people that cannot differentiate between sensitive and sensitized skin?

The solution to achieving a glowing skin is to understand the difference between the sensitive and sensitized skin. However, you’re not to be blamed if you can’t differentiate between these skin types because they have similar characteristics and that’s the reason for the mix-up.

This piece has been developed by professionals from Harley Institute to connect the dots and set the records straight to avoid further skincare mistakes which can lead to disaster.

Let’s get the ball rolling!

What is sensitive skin?

The skin can be described as sensitive when it has a truly genetic makeup and reacts to certain products, chemicals, sunlight and other external factors. Individuals with sensitive skin can easily be affected by their environment, heat, fragrances and can experience flushing or blushing of the skin. Naturally, the sensitive skin has an extra susceptibility to skin irritation because it has less pigment and a thinner epidermis.

However, the sensitive skin appears very smooth and beautiful and can become the envy of friends and loved ones if you understand its characteristics; use suitable products and live a healthy lifestyle. Whether your skin is sensitive or sensitized, you can contact professionals from Harley Institute for more skin care secrets, so your skin could flourish and become the cynosure of all eyes.

The sensitized skin

The sensitized skin is literally those types that have been temporarily impaired over time by our environment, lifestyle and negative choices. After a long period, the exposure of the skin to different conditions, the usage of certain products without the directives of a professional, the consumption of certain substances and our daily hustle can gradually have a negative impact on our skin making it to be sensitized.

Some of these internal and external factors can cause an individual to have a sensitized skin:

The factors mentioned above can adversely weaken the skin barriers making it prone to dryness, visibly irritated, blotchy and appear lusterless. If you can call and talk to professionals from, we will identify the causes of the sensitization of your skin. The solution and treatment options

At Harley Institute, we have different treatment options for both sensitive and sensitized skin. Firstly, we’ll evaluate and identify the type of skin; if it’s sensitive skin, we will evaluate the cause of irritation and recommend steps and hydrating products that will normalize and restore the texture of your skin.

We usually interact with clients experiencing sensitized skin to find out the homecare products that are overusing and advise them on lifestyle changes and moisturizing products that will help strengthen their epidermal health.

Harley Institute professionals believe that the treatment of skin related issues should be done with compassion while observing detailed guidelines. Let’s get talking about your skin condition, so we could introduce you to our flexible skin and home care regimen that has been effective over the years.