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How to Ease Hot Flashes

How to Ease Hot Flashes

The transition into menopause brings with it a multitude of symptoms, but one of the most commonly endured is hot flashes. The feeling of intense heat, flushed face and skin, occasionally accompanied by dizziness and sweating, is something that many women over the age of 45 deal with on a regular basis. While hot flashes may only last 30 seconds for some, others can struggle with the distracting and uncomfortable effects for up to 10 minutes. Are you struggling with the onset of hot flashes? There are healthy solutions that can reduce or reverse your hot flash symptom. At the Harley Institute Institute in Atlanta, Georgia, we help local men and women of all ages feel and look their best. Here are a few tips that can help you solve your hot flash issues without resorting to surgery or pharmaceuticals. 

What Causes Hot Flashes

Both hot flushes and night sweats are menopausal symptoms that effects the blood vessels. It is caused by wide fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone, which can affect your hormonal balance. When women’s menstrual cycles begin to change, estrogen levels can dip far below normal levels, sending the body out of its normal equilibrium. Menopause can bring many unwanted changes, including low libido, infertility, vaginal dryness, anxiety, depression, mood swings, weight gain and more. However, hot flashes are one of the most common, and can become debilitating for some. 

Ways to Avoid Hot Flash Triggers

Hot flashes can sometimes be triggered by certain behaviors or actions. Being outside in the heat of summer or taking a hot bath can bring about hot flashes. So can dietary choices like drinking a few too many glasses of wine, overindulging with too many lattes or eating spicy foods on your lunch break. Also, ingesting nicotine can double your chances of having a sudden hot flash. So, if you want to avoid initiating a hot flash, there are small changes you can make to help avoid them. Try and stay cool, open a window for a breeze, stand close to a fan or drink cold water from the refrigerator. Avoid foods or beverages that can cause problems, including spicy dishes, caffeine and alcohol. Try to relax and avoid stress, anxiety and anger. 

How Can You Treat Hot Flashes? 

Women who struggle with frequent, intense hot flashes often become desperate for a solution. Hot flashes can interrupt their daily routine, crippling their ability to perform well at work or to enjoy time spent with friends and family. Some people are willing to go to extremes, opting for nerve block procedures or getting prescriptions for Prozac, Paxil or anti-seizure medications. While these solutions can provide a successful reduction of hot flashes, they can come with unpleasant side effects like drowsiness, headaches, dry mouth, constipation, dizziness, sexual dysfunction, nausea and weight gain. However, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can help reduce or even eliminate hot flashes and night sweats without these conventional pharmaceutical methods. HRT provides naturally derived hormones like estrogen, progesterone and testosterone to your body, so it can restore balance to your system. With continued use, you can begin to avoid common menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, lethargy and low sex drive without the need for medications or surgical procedures. 

Need Hormone Replacement Therapy in Atlanta, GA? Visit the Harley Institute Institute

Are you ready to get relief from your hot flashes? Call or visit the Harley Institute Institute in Atlanta, Georgia and start your journey towards balanced hormones. Contact our office today for more information about bioidentical hormone replacement therapy or to schedule a convenient appointment for your initial consultation.