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Essential Nutrients for Vibrant Skin

Essential Nutrients for Vibrant Skin

Wrinkles, fine lines and a dulled complexion are all common symptoms of the aging process. At the Harley Institute Institute in Atlanta, Georgia, we help men and women reverse these conditions so they can look and feel their best. There are many new treatments available that can restore youthful skin from the outside, but choosing the right foods can also help you maintain your skin health from the inside. Nutrient deficiency is a major issue in the world today, as many people turn to over processed food for convenience. However, if you want to achieve the best results from your anti-aging efforts, it’s worth the extra time to ensure you’re getting the following essential nutrients in your daily diet. Skin Rejuvenation

Vitamin A

Vitamin A retinol is an ingredient used in a wide variety of anti-aging skin care treatments. While this nutrient can do wonders for your skin when applied topically, your body also needs retinol for many different internal functions, including production of strong and healthy skin cells, immune system support and embryonic development. Beta carotene is a precursor of Vitamin A and works as a powerhouse to decease damage caused by free radicals and sun exposure. One of the best ways to get your daily dose is through sweet potatoes, which contain high amounts Vitamin A producing beta carotene. Dairy products, eggs and fish are also a good source of Vitamin A retinol. 


Selenium is a mineral that provides antioxidant effects in the body. While we don’t require large amounts of selenium, it is a vital nutrient that can cause issues for people who are deficient. This powerful nutrient helps to protect skin cells from damage due to overexposure to the sun. It also has many anti-inflammatory properties that can help keep skin healthy and beautiful. When ingested with Vitamin E, the two can work together to produce glutathione which can protect against oxidative damage, dull complexions and acne. A few Brazil Nuts will give you a full dose of Selenium. The vital nutrient can also be found in liver, grass fed beef and salmon. 


Many people are aware of Zinc’s role in prostate health, blood sugar balance and metabolism, but aren’t informed about the benefits it provides for skin health. Not only does this powerful antioxidant protect against UV radiation, it also helps to repair and heal skin damage of all kings, including wounds. With a daily value of 15 mg, it isn’t difficult to make sure your body gets enough to keep your skin youthful. Add shellfish, lamb, beef and pumpkin seeds into your diet for just the right amount.

Ready to Restore Your Skin’s Youthful Glow? Visit the Harley Institute Institute in Atlanta, GA

Dr. Harley and her team of anti-aging experts are ready to help you get back your gorgeous glow. If you’re skin has lost its luster, we provide a wide range of innovative, non-surgical methods for restoring vibrant, healthy skin. From chemical peels to Ultherapy, the Harley Institute Institute in Atlanta, Georgia our skin care specialists will work with your unique needs to find a customized treatment plan that will give you the results you’re looking for.