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Busting Myths About Laser Hair Removal

Busting Myths About Laser Hair Removal

Having your unwanted body hair removed, especially through waxing or shaving can be an endless circle, but many people don’t want to try out laser hair removal because of some myths that need to be debunked. Do not allow these myths to stop you from getting a laser hair removal at your spa.

Myth #1: Laser hair removal is only suitable for people who have dark hair on light skin

This myth was conceived because older laser treatments were not effective on the light pigments on dark skins, thus making dark skin people feel the treatment will never be effective for them. Laser hair treatment does not differentiate between light and dark skin, and the latest laser treatments are so effective that they work efficiently on both dark and light skin, without causing any skin discoloration. Even if your skin is completely dark, laser hair treatment is still effective and safe. 

Myth #2: You must avoid shaving for 6 weeks before laser hair removal

There is no need to avoid shaving before you go for laser hair removal. You will only be asked to shave a day to your laser hair removal session. The shaving will normally leave the hair follicle intact, despite removing the hair on the surface of the skin. Shaving off the surface hair a day before laser hair removal will make the laser treatment more comfortable. Waxing will remove the hair follicle along with the hair, which means the laser treatment will not work when the hair follicle has been removed. In addition, you are expected to avoid waxing or plucking in-between your laser treatments. 

Myth #3: Laser hair treatment is extremely painful

Though you may experience some discomfort during laser hair treatment, like the experience of a rubber band, snapped on the skin. The way we respond to pain is different but in general terms, the laser treatment comes with a subtle pain that most patients are comfortable with. The pain level may also depend on the area being treated and the need for several treatment sessions before the hair removal is completed. Any form of discomfort experience during laser treatment will dissipate quickly and you can avoid aggravated discomfort by staying away from sun exposure after treatment. 

Myth #4: You need a single session of laser treatment to remove hair

Though you will notice elimination of hair even after a single treatment, but most people will require several sessions for the complete elimination of hair. Depending on the area of the body being treated, you will require up to six or more sessions. The reason for multiple laser treatment is that hair grows in stages, hence your esthetician will have to work out how many sessions you will require to eliminate the hair completely.

Myth #5: Laser hair removal will cause damage to the skin

Laser hair removal is part of Harley Institute that has been practiced for years. It is 100% safe on your skin and will not cause discoloration because the esthetician will adjust the wavelength of the treatment according to your skin tone.